Arizona Wildlife

Upholding the Legacy of North American Conservation

By actively engaging in the political process we defend the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation against extremists who attempt to destroy long-held science-based conservation.

We Need You!

Who We Are

Our Purpose Statement

Conserve and Protect Arizona (CPAZ) exists to defend fishing, hunting, and other traditional wildlife management tools as part of professional science-based wildlife conservation in Arizona and across North America. We accomplish this by building on our political successes in defeating extreme activists who would upend the wildly successful model of conservation in North America. We stand ready to do this at the ballot box, at the statehouse, and at the Game and Fish Commission. We accomplish this by fully embracing the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation — science-based management of wildlife resources held in the public trust, enhanced by a multi-generational conservation system funded predominantly by anglers and hunters. CPAZ recognizes and will aggressively defend our state and nation’s long-held traditions in the Great Outdoors, to insure the conservation and protection of all wildlife for current and future generations.

What We Believe

We champion the North american model of wildlife conservation

We stand up for the time-tested wildlife conservation model first established in the 19th Century as our forebears sought to stop the eradication of several wildlife species, and the attempt to privatize wildlife.


Today, the North American Model of Conservation is the international standard for wildlife conservation.  We invite you to join us and follow in the footsteps of Teddy Roosevelt, William Bird Grinnell, and Aldo Leopold to ensure the future of true wildlife conservation for generations to come.

The Facts

Did you Know?

Sportsmen and Women provide more than 70% of the necessary dollars to conserve wildlife
Taxpayers pay ZERO dollars to fund Arizona’s wildlife conservation agency

We're driven to keep Arizona wild and free

Conserve & Protect Arizona (CPAZ) was formed in 2018, in response to an anti-hunting initiative spearheaded by animal rights extremists in Arizona.  The well-funded Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) was aggressively pursuing a ballot initiative that would ban lion and bobcat hunting statewide, effectively bypassing the Game and Fish Department’s science-based management of those species.  HSUS has a long history of using “tug on your heart strings” advertising to deceive the public, selling a false narrative that the donations they receive will benefit abused or abandoned dogs and cats.   However, in reality, HSUS spends less than 1% of those ill-gotten gains on the welfare of human pets, and has amassed a $100+ million war chest for political campaigns that may undermine science-based wildlife conservation and the treasured pastimes of anglers and hunters. (Click here to read more about the HSUS and other extremists)


CPAZ quickly rose to the 2018 challenge by HSUS, working to educate Arizonans about the underlying motives behind the initiative and the threat it posed to effective wildlife conservation.  In March of that year, HSUS announced suspension of their Arizona ballot initiative. This was a significant victory, marking the first time in twenty-five years that HSUS withdrew from such an effort.


However, the fight is anything but over…  HSUS and a host of other, similarly-focused organizations are now mounting challenges to science-based wildlife conservation across the country.  The changing demographics of Arizona and political pressures at the national level make our state a prime target. Our nation’s wildlife conservation system, the most successful in the world, is under assault and needs your help.  CPAZ is your voice to defeat this growing threat to the conservation model that has been so successful over the last century. CPAZ exists as the necessary, permanent political force to defeat this pervasive threat. Together we can protect conservation of our wildlife resources and the sustainable angling, hunting, and wildlife-associated recreation opportunities they provide. We cannot do this alone – please join us!

Current attempts to destroy conservation in the west

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Our history

Our past drives our future

Conserve and Protect Arizona was formed in 2018 as a direct response to the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)’s attempt to introduce an anti-hunting ballot initiative. The organization achieved a significant victory when HSUS announced the suspension of their campaign. The successful victory spurred a desire to continue advocating for the professional wildlife management of the Arizona Game & Fish Department, ensuring the preservation of angling and hunting traditions and the future of wildlife in Arizona.