Threats against the West

Current Issues

Science-based wildlife conservation and the ability of anglers and hunters to pursue traditional and sustainable outdoor pursuits are under attack across the U.S. These assaults take various forms, including ballot initiatives, legislation, revisions of plans guiding state wildlife agencies, and attempts to bias the composition of (or eliminate altogether) the Boards and Commissions overseeing those agencies.  Underlying all of them is an intent to cast aside the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation and manage wildlife according to the dictates of anti-hunting extremists and single-species advocates.

Arizona has already been a target for these groups.  In 1994, Arizona voters approved Proposition 102, a ballot initiative spearheaded by the Animal Defense League of Arizona and other anti-hunting organizations.  Proposition 102 banned widely-used traditional trapping practices on all public lands within the state.  In 2018, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) mounted a ballot initiative campaign designed to stop all hunting of bobcats and mountain lions. Fortunately, that effort was derailed.  The changing demographics of our state make Arizona a prime target, it is only a matter of time until we’re in the crosshairs once again.  Addressing these threats through proactive strategies is the core purpose of Conserve and Protect Arizona.

Threat to harvest Mountain Lions, Bobcats, or Lynx

Colorado is attempting to destroy Colorado Sportsman and Women’s right to conserve Wildlife: A current ballot initiative will prohibit the right to harvest Mountain Lions, Bobcats, or Lynx if enacted!  Check out this article in Full Cry Magazine.

Threat to conservation management plans​

The Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife is considering enacting a new 25-year strategic plan for conservation in the state. The plan calls for many disturbing principles that violate the North American Model of Conservation including “safeguarding the intrinsic value of nature”

Proposed Oregon fishing and hunting ban​

Oregon has introduced IP 3 (IP28 for 2026 ballot) that would effectively ban all fishing and hunting in the state of Oregon. The Initiative is supported by dark money from organizations such as End Animal Cruelty.